Gospel Literature takes flight in Mozambique

The Ministry is expanding its territory in a bid to take the gospel to all the people of the nation of Mozambique. The start of the New Year is always graced with new plans and expectations. We began the year with prayer and fasting appealing to God to be our Guide throughout the year.

We engaged a total of 450 local church leaders and volunteers in their respective provinces in the Abide Prayer and Fasting program. The 21 day program saw leaders uniting in prayer with the same cause. During the prayer season, we experienced great transformation as well as exciting testimonies.

This was evidence that prayer above all, is the effective way of seeking for God’s intervention in our work.

Mozambique is not for the faint-hearted as some of the things that we encounter are beyond normal expectations. Many other religious organizations fail to reach the unreached in remote areas. At Every Home for Christ, we have a mandate to reach everywhere that homes exist. With courage and commitment, we become respected by the church leaders and churches we serve across the country.

Training leaders is not enough when we aim to reach homes with the Word of Christ. We engage leaders in reaching the people through home to home outreach by sharing the Gospel of salvation through the distribution of the Gospel literature. The tracts have proved to be a mouthpiece for God as more lives are transformed through them. When we do home to home outreach, the responses we get linked to the tracts are tremendous and encouraging. We continue giving value to the printed page.

After reaching homes and making disciples through various ways, we ensure that our harvest is not left unattended. Trained church leaders and volunteers are engaged in nurturing the harvest as well as ensuring that they will not backslide to their past life. Christ Groups are created and used as focal points to achieve discipleship programs. The trained leaders use our curriculum which covers the basics of essential Christian knowledge. New believers are also equipped with Gospel tracts and Bible portions which help them to search more about God outside their meetings.

Facing the community giants is a huge thing to do. In many communities, witch-doctors are revered and given the status of human gods by the traditional religion believers. Their role in the community is seen as sacred and they are treated with the utmost respect. Approaching one requires courage and good reason to do so, and this for generations has incited fear in people. They make people believe that they are the bearers of the spirits of the gods of the land and anyone who opposes them will face their wrath.

In Ceramica village in Beira, a feared witch-doctor drew a line for anyone who came to oppose him. When the EHC team were doing home to home gospel outreach, they got a chance to defy the odds and approached the witch-doctor’s home. Faced with resistance and physical threats, the team took hold and won the battle, encouraging the witch-doctor’s clients to give their lives to Christ. In addition, the team earned an invitation to the home to share more about the Gospel.

In Zambezia’s Namutanguirine village which is dominated by the Islamic religion, the EHC’s pioneer missionary met with resistance and threats from the rival religious group. We are thankful that through the engagement of community and church leaders, a green light was lit paving the way to the general population. We are thankful that several Muslim families received Christ during the EHC’s visit in the village. We are also thankful to record a number of Christ Groups established in the same area.

Another major highlight of our Ministry was our partnership with Soles for Jesus, (they distribute shoes through evangelistic organisations). World Missionary Press, Revival Movement Association and Mercy Air. EHC Mozambique had conducted various evangelism efforts in Nhabanda since the cyclone Idai of 2019, Nhabanda became completely cut off and it’s very difficult to reach the area by road. We have however continued to pray for the brethren in Nhabanda and believing the LORD that one day we would be able to visit them again and share the love of Christ with them.

The LORD heard us and through our partners, Mercy Air, SFJ, WMP and RMA we managed to bring shoes and Gospel literature to Nhabanda by helicopter. The power of partnership was felt and the results were amazing. EHC was the forerunner of the Ministry and Mercy Air provided air transport for bags of shoes and Gospel literature, SFJ provided the shoes and RMA and WMP provided the literature. (As seen in the pictures). This outreach will remain one of the best moments of the people in Nhabanda that will be engraved on their hearts forever. Every time they remember this outreach, they will always remember the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Samuel Adams